Large Insert cDNA Libraries

Catalog #:10005

High Quality Large Insert cDNA Libraries are constructed using our state-of-the-art methods for cDNA synthesis and size fractionation to produce libraries containing the largest cDNA inserts available. Although these libraries are made using a different process, they share the same advantageous features as our standard libraries (directional cloning into Express I and T1 phage resistant E. coli). We guarantee at least 1×106 primary clones with ≥87% recombinant clones containing an average insert size of at least 3kb, however, we generally produce libraries of 3×106 primary clones with >95% recombinant clones containing ≥4kb average insert size.

We will make large insert libraries from customer supplied tissue (≥2 g), cells (at least 2×108), total RNA (≥2 mg) or mRNA (≥10 µg). We provide quality controlled primary or amplified libraries.

Features list:

  • High quality size fractionated cDNA.
  • Directionally cloned cDNA for expression, antibody screening, subtraction and normalization.
  • Large numbers of primary clones.
  • Low vector background.

Characteristics of a cDNA Library Constructed From Large Transcripts of HeLa mRNA

mRNA (ng) Total # of primary clones Average insert size (kb)* Percent recombinants Insert size range (kb)*
5,000 2.1×107 4.26 96 1.0 – 6.2
2,000 2.5×106 4.46 100 2.4 – 7.2

mRNA (ng), Total # of primary clones, Average insert size (kb)*, Percent recombinants, Insert size range (kb)**Average insert size and insert size range determined by restriction enzyme digestion of 24 clones picked at random from each library.

Quality testing: Percentage of recombinant clones and average insert size determined by gel analysis of 24 clones picked at random.

Shipment and storage conditions: Libraries will be shipped in dry ice. Storage of libraries at -80°C is recommended.

Tissue and RNA Preparation Suggestions